Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Dialog about Expressing Love

Marleen : Jason, can you close your book ? We're on date. And you do not pay attention for me since we left.
Jason : Sorry, honey. But I have a paper to do.
Marleen : Argh. same reason. Paper, assigment, test, essay and bla bla bla... Why dont you do it at home?
Jason : This is different. It is so complicated. Please understand, sweetheart.
Marleen : You always ask me to understand all about you. But, you never understand me. I love you, Jason. I need you. You should stare my eyes. Not to those thick books.
Jason : Marleen, this is so important for me, for our life.
Marleen : Liat. That's just important for you. Not for me.
Jason : Marleen...
Marleen : What? You dont have more reason? Okay then, I'm leaving. We break up!
Jason : No Marleen. Honey, sweetheart, listen to me, please. I love you so much. I just need time to finish my paper.



  1. HCL : asam klorida
  2. HBr : asam bromida
  3. HI : asam iodida
  4. HNO3 : asam nitrat
  5. H2SO4 : asam sulfat